Board of Directors Meeting


February 18, 2025, Board Meeting

12:00 PM

















INVOCATION:                      Director Andrea Lewis









Legislative Update




CONSENT AGENDA (Items 1 – 17)


Board Communication

To award professional Engineering Services contract for design of street, drainage, and street light projects approved for the John Barrow Road Targeted Community Development Corridor; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.


Synopsis: Authorizes the City Manager to execute an agreement with Development Consultants, Inc, (DCI) to provide engineering and design services for street, drainage and street light projects approved for the John Barrow Road Corridor by Resolution 16,405 (August 20,2024) funded from the Targeted Community Development (TCD) Program as authorized by Resolution 15,382 (January 19,2021).  (Located in Ward 6)




Board Communication

To authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Toter, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00, plus applicable taxes and fees, for the purchase of garbage cart containers for Solid Waste Customers, located within the City of Little Rock and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.



Synopsis: A resolution to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Toter, LLC, for the purchase of garbage carts for Solid Waste customers, located within the City of Little Rock.




Board Communication

To amend Little Rock, Ark., Resolution No. 16,289 (April 16, 2024), to authorize the City Manager to enter into a one (1)-year contract extension with the Griffin Group, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $220,000.00, for maintenance of concrete medians and right-of-way mowing within the City of Little Rock, Arkansas; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.



Synopsis: Authorizes the City Manager to extend a contract with the low bidder, The Griffin Group LLC for maintenance of concrete medians within the City of Little Rock for one additional year.  




Board Communication

To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Castillo Concrete Pool and Spa. Inc., in an amount not to exceed $124,548.00, for the West Windsor at Brookview Drainage Improvement Project; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.


Synopsis: Authorizes the City Manager to execute an agreement with Castillo Concrete Pool and Spa, Inc. for West Windsor at Brookview Drainage. (Located in Ward 7)




Board Communication

To set March 4, 2025, as the date of hearing to amend the 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan and 2022 Annual Action Plan; and to amend sources and uses of 2022 CDBG, Home and HOPWA Funds; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.


Synopsis: As a regulatory requirement, a public hearing must be conducted regarding proposed amendments to the Consolidated Plan, Action Plan, and sources and uses of 2022 CDBG, HOME, and HOPWA funding, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.




Board Communication

To amend Little Rock, Ark., Resolution No. 16,489 (November 4, 2024), to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Insight Public Sector, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $77,500.00, plus applicable taxes and fees for a one (1)-year renewal for the Little Rock Police Department Real Time Crime Center; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.


Synopsis: A resolution to amend Little Rock, Ark., Resolution No. 16,489 (November 4, 2024), to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Insight Public Sector, Inc., for a one (1)-year renewal for the Little Rock Police Department Real Time Crime Center.




Board Communication

Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a professional services contract with NICE Systems, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00, plus applicable taxes and fees, for an initial period of one (1)-year, for the purchase of NICE Investigate Software for the Little Rock Police Department; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.


Synopsis: Authorizes the City Manager to enter into a professional services contract with NICE Systems, Inc., for an initial period of one (1)-year, for the purchase of NICE Investigate Software for the Little Rock Police Department.




Board Communication

To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Teeco Safety in an amount not to exceed $56,230.82, for the purchase of up to thirty-six (36) replacement vests for the Little Rock Police Department; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.


Synopsis: A resolution to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Teeco Safety, for the purchase of up to thirty-six (36) vests for the Little Rock Police Department.




Board Communication

To authorize the City Manager to enter into certain cooperative contracts; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.


Synopsis: A resolution to authorize the City of Little Rock (“City”) to access contracts with certain cooperative agreements that are already competitively bid, thus saving time and money during the procurement process.





To set March 4, 2025, as the date for a public hearing on whether to remove commissioners of the Tall Timbers Recreation Improvement District No. 3 from office in the best interests of the District; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.




Board Communication


To extend the SoMa 501 Entertainment District – As a temporary entertainment district for the following dates: March 7, 2025. June 6, 2025, June 7, 2025, September 5, 2025, October 3, 2025, and December 5, 2025; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.


Synopsis: The SoMa 501 Entertainment District of downtown Little Rock is seeking Board approval to allow SoMa Entertainment District to add additional dates.




To authorize transactions in relation to the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Park; to authorize various transactions between the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation and Heifer Project International, as well as between Heifer Project International and the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Society, Inc., to authorize finalization of various documents with relation to lease agreements, or property within the Clinton Presidential Park, or both; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.




To agree to amend that certain lease dated March 1, 2002, between the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation and the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, for land located in the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Park; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.




To agree to accept title to property from the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation; to state that some of the property shall be placed within the boundaries of the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Park; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.




For the City to agree to deed title to property to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation; to state that some of the property shall be removed from the boundaries of the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Park; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.




To agree to the cancellation of subleases between the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation and Heifer Project International for land located in the Willam Jefferson Clinton Presidential Park; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.




To agree to the cancellation of the lease between the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, and Heifer Project International; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.



SEPARATE ITEMS (Items 18 - 19)


To amend Little Rock, Ark., Rev. Code § 2-50 (b)(2) (1988) and (c) to clarify the definition of present at a Meeting of the Little Rock Board of Directors; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes. (1st and 2nd Reading held on January 21, 2025) (Sponsored by Director Peck)




Board Communication

To amend Little Rock Ordinance No. 22,368 (January 23, 2024); to authorize the City Manager to amend the service agreement with Motorola Solutions, Inc., and to increase the Sole-Source Contract amount to $238,781.88, plus applicable taxes and fees, for Radio Infrastructure Equipment Utilized by the City’s Emergency Communications Department; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.


Synopsis: An ordinance to amend Little Rock, Ark., Ordinance No. 22,368 (January 23, 2024), to authorize the City Manager to amend the services agreement with Motorola Solutions, Inc., to increase the Sole-Source Contract amount for Radio Infrastructure utilized by the City’s Emergency Communications Department. 





Board Communication

Zoning Map

Land Use Plan


G-23-492: Authorizing the Right-of-Way abandonment of South Battery Street located between Lots 3-6, Block 4, and Lots 7-10, Block 5, Union Depot Addition; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.


Synopsis: The adjacent property owners request to abandon approximately 181 linear feet of the S. Battery Street right-of-way located between Lots 3-6, Block 4 and Lots 7-10, Block 5, Union Depot Addition (between W. Markham Street and W. 2nd Street).




Board Communication

Zoning Map

Land Use Plan


G-23-493: Authorizing the partial alley Right-of-Way abandonment located within Block 9, Hollenberg Addition, for the purposes of development of a parking lot for the Lady of Souls Catholic Church; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval.


Synopsis: The adjacent property owner requests to abandon approximately 100 linear feet of the alley Right-of-Way located adjacent to Lots 1, 2, 9, and 10, Hollenberg Addition.







Board Communication

Zoning Map

G-23-494: Authorizing an alley and unnamed street Right-of-Way abandonment located within Block 8, Josephine Pankey 3rd Addition and the unnamed street South of Block 8.


Synopsis: The adjacent property owner requests to abandon the alley right-of-way located within Block 8, Josephine Pankey 3rd Addition and the un-named street right-of-way located immediately south of Block 8, Josephine Pankey 3rd Addition.





Three (3) minutes are allowed to present a specific item that is not already on the Agenda. This time is allotted for any person to express a written or oral viewpoint, or other message to the Board of Directors. A maximum of thirty (30) minutes is allotted for citizen communications at each meeting.  Individuals wishing to address the City Board during Citizen Communication will be required to submit a yellow card to the City Clerk prior to the official start of the meeting, when the Mayor drops the gavel.  Citizen Communication Cards are available on the table in the hallway located outside of the Board Chambers.  Citizen Communication will be held immediately following the Consent Agenda items on the first Tuesday and at the end of the printed Agenda on the third Tuesday.